
Chocolate 7 Pot Brain Strain Pepper Live Plant

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Scoville Heat Units (SHU):
1,000,000 – 1,350,000

The hottest of the 7 Pot strain peppers, the Chocolate 7 Pot Brain Strain looks similar to the Chocolate Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper, but has a few slight differences. The peppers are round and have bumpier skin than the Chocolate Trinidad Moruga Scorpion. The Chocolate 7 Pot Brain Strain pepper is very spicy and has a slight smoky flavor like other chocolate varieties. Fresh ripe pods of the Chocolate Brain Strain have high concentrations of capsicum oil on the inside walls, which contribute to its super hot heat level. The Chocolate 7 Pot Brain Strain was created by crossing the Chocolate Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and the 7 Pot Brain Strain. At one point, some growers thought the 7 Pot Brain Strain could be the world’s hottest pepper. Chocolate 7 Pot Brain Strain pepper plants are high yielding plants that grow to be about three to four feet tall and average about 1,000,000 to 1,350,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU). 

Although the red variety of this rare and exotic pepper was originally discovered by David Cappiello, 7 Pot peppers originated in Trinidad. 7 Pot peppers fall under the super hot category because of their very spicy heat level. There are several different colored strains of 7 Pot peppers, including the Red 7 Pot,  Yellow 7 PotWhite 7 PotChocolate 7 Pot7 Pot Douglah, and 7 Pot Primo. The 7 Pot pepper is related to the Trinidad Scorpion pepper, one of the hottest peppers in the world.

At Tyler Farms, we grow our plants the old fashioned way: no pesticides, no synthetic fertilizers, and we only use all natural fertilizers such as worm castings and fish emulsion. Plants are shipped in 3 inch reusable plastics pots and approximately 4 to 6 inches tall.

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  • 5
    Arrived and it looks great!

    Posted by Derrick H. on 9th Feb 2020

    Bigger than I thought, these plants are the real deal!!!!