
Bryan's Blood Pepper Seeds

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Scoville Heat Units (SHU):
1,000 - 1,500

Developed by Eric Knight, Bryan’s Blood pepper is a cross between Scarlet’s Chilli and Poblano. The peppers grow slightly smaller than traditional Poblanos but have a similar heat level. Like Fish peppers and Candy Cane Chocolate Cherry peppers, Bryan’s Blood pepper plants have variegated leaves, but the most striking feature of the peppers is their color variation. The peppers start as green when immature, turn striped with white and green as they ripen, and eventually mature into a bright red color. 

They are considered mild peppers, with a Scoville Heat Unit rating that is believed to be about 2,000 to 5,000, and they have a rich, earthy, and slightly sweet flavor.

Many gardeners and food enthusiasts grow Bryan’s Blood peppers for their ornamental value as well as their culinary potential. They can be used in hot sauces, salsas, and pickled pepper recipes, and can also be used as a more attractive alternative to the Poblano pepper.